- You will have been given a repeat prescription form with a list of your medicines with your last supply.
- If the medication you require is not on repeat please write this at the bottom of the repeat slip as these need to be issued and checked by a doctor.
- Tick on the form which medicines you need and where you want to collect your prescription (surgery or chemist).
- Put the form in the "repeat prescription box" which you will find in the reception area of each surgery. Alternatively hand it in to your chemist.
- You can also post your form to the surgery with a stamped self-addressed envelope and we will send you your prescription.
- Alternatively, if you are already registered, use our online services for ordering your repeat prescriptions. To register for online services click here.
NOTE: Prescription requests cannot be taken over the telephone due to potential risk of errors.
Please allow 7 days for a prescription to be prepared.