Appointments System
To make an appointment to see a doctor please phone 01349 882229 from 08:30hrs or call at the health centre during opening hours. The receptionist will try to give you a time that is convenient to you and with a doctor of your choice; if this is not possible they will suggest an alternative time or another doctor who is available.
Each appointment is for one patient only and lasts 10 minutes. If you feel you might need more time to discuss your matter and/or have several problems to discuss, please make a double appointment.

Telephone Consultations
It may be that your problem could be dealt with over the phone, e.g., a query about medication or to discuss a test result. If this is the case, please ask the receptionist for a telephone consultation. You will be allocated a time and the doctor will call you as close to this time as possible.
Each telephone consultation is for one patient only and lasts 10 minutes. If you feel you might need more time to discuss your matter and/or have several problems to discuss, please make a double appointment.
Emergency Consultations During Surgery Opening Hours
Every effort will be made to see patients with urgent medical matters during surgery hours. Please phone 01349 882229 and a receptionist will take your details and pass them on to the on call doctor. The doctor will either ask you to attend the surgery, or if he/she feels it more appropriate, arrange a visit. Based on your needs, your appointment will be with a doctor, an advanced nurse practitioner or a nurse.
Home Visits
If your illness prevents you from attending the surgery you can ask for a home visit by phoning 01349 882229. The on call doctor will contact you and he/she may ask for further information to assess the urgency of your call.
Please phone before 11:00 am. An early request allows us to assess priorities and plan an efficient route for visiting.
More equipment and facilities are available at the surgery than at home and about four patients can be seen in the surgery for each one at home. It will therefore be appreciated if you can come to the surgery whenever possible.
Cancel an Appointment
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us at least one hour before your appointment so that we are able to give the slot to someone else.
Missed Appointments
The Practice is under an extreme amount of pressure to ensure that patients are able to be offered an appointment when required. We are therefore addressing the small number of individuals who continually fail to attend appointments.
Therefore the Practice is having a formal policy in place for patients who miss appointments:
If you regularly miss appointments you shall be sent a letter. This letter shall be sent upon missing three appointments and shall be a reminder letter advising you that if you miss a fourth appointment you shall no longer be allowed to pre-book appointments. In this situation, if you wish to see a Doctor, you shall be asked to attend on a certain day before 9am. You will have to wait and you will be seen sometime that morning between 9-1pm when the Doctor is able to fit you in amongst their other booked appointments.
We are doing this in an attempt to cut down on the huge number of missed and wasted appointments thereby improving access to Health Care for all our patients.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.