NHS Inform
NHS Inform is Scotland's national health information service, which is available online and over the phone.
The site includes an A-Z of health conditions, common health questions, Health Zones which provide more detailed information on topics like cancer, screening, mental health, bereavement, palliative care and more.

Health A - Z
Everything you need to know about illnesses, tests, treatments, operations and services. Find out more
Common Health Questions
Find answers to Common Health Questions. Not able to find what you are looking for? Ask a Health Information Advisor. Find out more
Support Service Directory
Information on Local and National groups & organisations that can help you with any health or well-being problem. Find out more
Changes for NHS Inform website for 2017
The website www.nhsinform.scot has been redesigned with the needs of people first and foremost, bringing a range of new content and features to help people manage their own health and wellbeing and to make positive choices. Visitors to the site can use the digital tools to tailor the information, making it more personal for each individual.
The site includes enhanced features to help make it more accessible and personal:
- Info for Me is a personalisation tool which enables people to bring together everything which is relevant to them into a single place, which can be easily shared, printed or saved.
- National Services Directory: all the health and social care information from across Scotland in one place, making it easier for you to get the right information about your local services.
- Self Help Guide: fully revised, updated and aligned to the 111 service the new Self Help Guide allows you to check your symptoms online and get advice to manage your condition or signpost to the right service.
- Browsealoud is a feature that makes the website more accessible with speech, reading and translation tools.
- Webchat access is available throughout the site.
People who choose to talk to the health information team can call the service on 0800 22 44 88 (8am-10pm) every day.
The enhanced search function means all relevant content will be presented easily and quickly.
People can use the website to interact with other users and professionals around specific conditions in community forums to support self-management.