Repeat Prescriptions
- You will have been given a repeat prescription form with a list of your medicines with your last supply.
- If the medication you require is not on repeat please write this at the bottom of the repeat slip as these need to be issued and checked by a doctor.
- Tick on the form which medicines you need and where you want to collect your prescription (surgery or chemist).
- Put the form in the "repeat prescription box" which you will find in the reception area of each surgery. Alternatively hand it in to your chemist.
- You can also post your form to the surgery with a stamped self-addressed envelope and we will send you your prescription.
- Alternatively, if you are already registered, use our online services for ordering your repeat prescriptions. To register for online services click here.
NOTE: Prescription requests cannot be taken over the telephone due to potential risk of errors.
Please allow 7 days for a prescription to be prepared.

Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.
Online Prescription Ordering
Did you know it is easier, quicker and more convenient to order your prescription online?
- Sent electronically so it reaches us without delay
- No more storing of your repeat order slip until you're due to order again
- If you post your prescription to us, save yourself a stamp!
- No need to come in to either the surgeries or your pharmacy to order
- Order from your smartphone, tablet, PC or laptop
- Your online account shows when you last ordered so you can keep track easier
3 quick and easy steps to register:
Step 1 - fill in the online services registration form found here and drop it in to us along with ID
Step 2 - once the admin team process it, you will receive an email with further account details - see an example to the right -->
Step 3 - Pop these details into Patient Services and set up your own unique username, and you are done!
When logging in with your username and password, you will see a list of your repeat medications. Simply tick each medication you are in need of and press submit. Leave the usual amount of time for it to be processed by both ourselves and your pharmacy, then collect as normal.